Kinds of Words in English

The words in English can be divided as:
  1. Noun (kata benda) = book, computer, bag, pen, etc.
  2. Verb (kata kerja) = study, walk, drive, sing, etc.
  3. Adverb (kata keterangan) = now, yesterday, well, seriously, etc.
  4. Adjective (kata sifat) = good, serious, beautiful, handsome, etc. 
  5. Pronoun (kata ganti diri) = I, you, they, he, she, we, it.
  6. Preposition (kata depan) = at, an, on, in, a, any, etc.
  7. Conjunction = and, but, because
  8. Interjection (kata seru) = hi!, hello!, wow!, etc.
Pronoun Object Pronoun Possessive
I me mine
You you yours
They them theirs
He him his
She her hers
We us ours
It it its


Write each 10 words of literature jargons:
  • Verb
  • Noun
  • Adjective


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