2nd Meeting (Language)

Language = Bahasa

Language is sound which produced by organ speech and has meaning.

- Bahasa merupakan kesepakatan (conventionary)

- Bahasa terdiri dari 3 sistem:
1. Sound
2. Meaning
3. Keteraturan  -> tidak dimiliki oleh hewan

- Bahasa tidak dapat diprediksi (arbitrary)

Role of language
1. Media of communication
2. Tool of communication
3. The way to express feelings
4. The way to express ideas

Homework: Please find the application of linguistic in the field of science (chemistry, biology, mathematic, and physics).

Tugas Kelompok: 

Nama-nama anggota kelompok 4:
1. Ardianto
2. Laode
3. Nurhasanah
4. Masdin

Task: please write in about 3 pages (A4, space 1.5) about one subfield of linguistic in science (biolinguistic).


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